Wind of change
September was getting quickly busy with school and routine of the weeks. In the middle of that, when you least expect it, a kid can do art just with toys, some chestnuts freshly picked et voilà!

She insisted, so we went once more in the fairy tale forest not far. We came there early on the national holiday and although it was fresh, there were not many persons, we discovered new areas and had a wonderful time.

During October more and more, we try to embrace changes, be it on a personal level or at the workplace. The little one got a new teacher and she kind of got her act together, I am amazed! She also spent part of the autumn vacations at her grandparents and this image is the meeting point halfway. We had a small break there and I am always amazed how flexible the German language is when dialects come into play.

During that time, we got a new bed for her, she just had the first night or let’s be honest part of the night in there. She got an upgrade only this morning with a night light and some christmas decorations to make her feel at ease. When I learnt one thing during the last time, there is always a space and time for change, sometimes it goes fast, sometimes it takes longer but at the end, we embrace change. Next blog post will be an end of the year entry. Stay safe and enjoy my preferred season of the year!