To sum up May and June 2024 is not an easy task. So many things happened in two months only. First of may, we got the keys to the new flat, a lot of things needed to be prepared and before we arrived, the kitchen was build up. This is visible in the first image.

New kitchen from scratch in the new flat.
Kitchen is ready.

After a lot of packing boxes and with the help of some strongmen, we got the moving of the whole flat done. The view from the kitchen is shown in the second image, sort of a fortress of boxes it seems. The little one loved it.

Moving day and all the boxes are everywhere, small garden in the back.
Moving day.

Although we just changed the flat, not the city, not jobs, it felt like a new beginning. First time we decided on how we would like our kitchen to be. It took quite some effort in unboxing, getting the flat somehow ready for the birthday that was still up in June and here are some impressions from the birthday party. Motto was water, we went by bike, scooter and even jogging to a playground and the motto water was fulfilled completely when it rained during dinner already back at home.

Two images of the birthday party, cake and playground view.
Impressions of the birthday party.

We try now some slower progress the next two months. A lot to do at work, still school in July for the little one, then August will be vacations for all of us. Stay tuned.