Patience is a virtue
This time, I will give some insight into patience. Something I am not an expert at all. First, I managed to engage into school activities and go with the kids to an adventure playground. Nobody was lost and nobody got seriously hurt, which I consider a success. But see for yourself.

Patience as I do not know the teacher very well, parents and not the kids names yet. Participating in such activities even if difficult in timing is definitively worth it. Second point on patience is a guided tour to the woods. I am originally from a city, time outside in nature is not my strongest point. However, I enjoy knowing more about it and get some help in building awareness for the green lungs in kids. Luckily, my daughter is already very much aware and loved the excursion.

Here we see her draw and write what she hears when she focuses on sounds, birds, fly and aircraft were the answers. Well, to be fair, we were still nearby the city and the airport. A mirror helped changing easily perspective and there were many more fun activities for kids of her age. Third point is a memory of last year, printed and brought back in our flat. It reminds me of the great time we had there and teaches me to be patient to get to the sea next year.

That specific day, we went there really early, not many people were at the beach yet and so the sea looks like a mirror itself. Behind the image is a bag for a weekend that matches the sea topic and a homemade collage I love to do from time to time. I need a topic for it and I guess nowadays you call it a vision board. I just arrange things that resonate with me, that I am passionate about and sometimes a beautiful set is the result. And yes, you see the reflection of a christmas star and a chain of lights that creates the whole ambiance of the image. I just realized by having a closer look, the whole image is a vision board of me wanting to travail again. I am trying to be patient for the next adventures coming our way.