Ready, set and go
January we were busy travelling and seeing family. Next to that, the vacations were slower to keep the right balance. One of those calmer moments is shown in the first image. First day of the new Year and we just made walk in family.

As we got sick almost everyone, we had calmer weeks, only smaller rounds nearby were feasable. That way, we realized and hunted for new art in the area that I personally enjoy a lot, discovering the streets brand new.

Before that, I managed to take part in a big gathering in the capital, embracing diversity and enjoying the ambiance even if we could not hear anything from where I was. Today the results of the votes come in and I am really curious how the country will change in the next four years.

Next entry will be half divided, one month still with a lot of activities and time to reduce, rest of vacations to take, then a new challenge will follow for me professionally. I am looking forward to that.