More of Everything in November
What sounded like a really good idea in the first place got us pretty exhausted at the end of the month. We do have wedding anniversary and my birthday in november so normally there is already quite a lot going on. This year, it was a significant birthday that somehow needs to be celebrated in a special way. To me personally it was Spa weekend for just the nuclear family.

We already got quite some things there, more Spa time in general, sauna, pooltime, more mountain views, too. Biggest room we had so far in a hotel, more like a flat without a kitchen.
Together with this small trip in Allgäu we visited cities nearby. On the first day, we visited pretty quickly Kempten. It was very cold, the christmas market not yet open and so we went into this famous café where all, but really all is in shades of pink. There were not many kids present in there, our little one loved it quite much, not so much the rose water instead of normal water.

Second day on our way home, we visited Kaufbeuren. Smaller, still pretty cold and as Sunday most shops were closed. However, I pretty much liked the one in the last image, maybe it was a good idea the shop was closed after all.

More of everything also means more drama, too much of everything and sadly we had that, too. Now at the end of the month, I am looking forward to the next month, contrary to what most people do at that time of the year, I plan to do less of Everything, the exact motto is less is more. Looking forward to that.