Highlights and Recap of 2023
November is usually the highlight of the year for my better half and me. That is why the picture is from the small vacations around our 10 year wedding anniversary. Autumn leaves are visible, the view was taken from the café in the Bauhaus Museum in Weimar.

In december we had a quite impressive amount of snow in the area. This is seen on the first picture from december. This slowed our daily routine down for a weekend at least. On monday we tried getting to work by car, I did opt for homeoffice the days after that. The picture is taken on the way to work and a little halo is visible around the sun.

What I did in school is to craft decorations for a christmas tree. Those that I did were quite fragile so everyone could take his one home, this one is from my daughter. She even had more pompoms on it, it was completely covered. The many kids, the repeated explaining what to do was a bit challenging I do admit.

I challenged myself much more than I did the years before. Most of the time it worked out nicely. I still have trouble acting according to my personal needs when I am less powerful, for example when I am sick and need some rest.
I am right now working on a more concrete new challenge for 2024 and will post latest beginning of march a new goal and my progress with it.