March had quite some first times for us as family, the little one went to a child play in the theater. It was crowded, very well adapted for kids and really fun. Before that, we went to a restaurant and a museum in the area. It seems we can do quite much if we ignore the voice of our little one in the beginning, she ends up loving new experiences.

First theater for the little one.
Theater in the city center.

Other things followed, a museum of string puppets, were well known here and so much fun. Most of these activities are for casting what we might want to do for the birthday party later on in the year. Try it out ourselfs and make the decision later on.

Detail in a museum, education and fun.
String puppets in the back, eduction in the front.

In april was easter scavenger hunt. We also searched for fossils inside stones, something very popular in the region and managed to visit grand parents of the little one. I tried honesty more and more to be more my true me, that might create problems in the first place as changes might not get well received. If I am more authentic, I hope to keep calmer and at peace on the long run.

Easter scavenger hunt.
Easter in family.

After all those new things we tried out, we managed all of us to get sick and needed a break. That was more or less what we did the second half of the month. Lesson learned, we will plan more breaks to not get sick so frequently. We are all pretty good tumbler toys and so I am confident that we are ready for the next things waiting for us.